Executive Suite

Discover ultra-modern luxury at every turn in this spacious 80-square-meter suite, a grand space designed to indulge your every need. A seamless extension of Morpheus’s innovative architecture, the Executive Suite is outfitted with an unprecedented combination of bespoke furniture, luxury décor, premium textiles, and exceptional amenities from a carefully curated list of world renowned brands including Samsung, Dyson, and many more.

*Unlimited playtime when purchasing admission tickets at Kids’ City, Babysitting services are available, MORE DETAILS

Suite Highlights

One king bed
Complimentary mini bar
Flat-screen LED TV
Bathroom with flat screen TV
In-room control tablet
Personal bar and refrigerator
Nespresso coffee machine
Designer bathroom amenities
Dyson hairdryers
Toilet with bidet
Intelligent floor heating system
In-room safe


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